Ugh. Ugh. Double Ugh.
I've been waiting to post with a great video craft blog, or cool project. But lately it's been difficult enough just getting the kids dressed and the Little Mermaid's hair brushed.
I did manage to finish the mural in the kiddies room. Well, it's not TOTALLY finished, but it's complete enough for them to move in.
I have 20 days until my 10 year college reunion. hmmm..... Not sure what to think abou that. I need a hair cut. And I was going to start running 5ks this spring. Well, maybe I'll pick up the 5k in the fall.
I'm going to start a series of v-blogs on crafting techniques. I'm open to ideas. Future how-to blogs will include: paper envelopes, recycled paper beads, finishing beads with wire... various jewelry techniques....
So keep an eye out.
ALSO! I am getting healthy. I'd like to drop 50# and I'm already down 2! woo-hoo!
And I want to slow down and enjoy life more. For example, right now I'm in the backyard with my kids. The Little Kahuna has stripped himself down to his birthday suit after getting soaked with water.
It's a perfect day here. Hope it's rockin' where you are!